305-537-6136‬       [email protected]

Paylocity- Getting Started & Support Services


For the purposes of the below table, please use the following as the “Key” for Role/Owners:

  • Client-Team or “User Admin”: Representing the mutual client-team contacts.
  • Third-Party Associates, Brokers, or TPA: Any team or contact member that is not Paylocity, TrakPay, or the mutual client.
  • TrakPay: Representing the TrakPay Team(s) that the client-team has access to.
  • Paylocity: Representing the Paylocity Team(s) that the client-team has access to.
Stage Role/Owner (FYI- User Admin is you, our valued client) Responsibilities
Getting Started
User Admin Before setting up an integration for your paygo WC service with Paylocity & TrakPay, if you'd like to discuss pricing or have any general questions, please contact [email protected].

After consulting with TrakPay, or if you'd like to just jump in and get started without initial consultation, visit https://its.trakpay.com/registration/paylocity/flow to complete your onboarding.

Based on the insurance carrier you select during onboarding, any processing fees will be disclosed and you will be prompted to sign our EFT processing agreement.
TrakPay TrakPay supports the paygo WC service with all insurance carriers (unless your insurance carrier doesn't have the ability to receive payroll reporting for billing purposes as described in the next paragraph), so we are a one-stop-solution for Paylocity payroll clients wanting to take advantage of this service.

As a rule of thumb, you'll want to make sure that your WC policy's billing method is set to receive payroll and process payments for the paygo WC service (or monthly self-reporting). If your insurance carrier doesn't support this billing method, we will be unable to process this service for you.

As part of your onboarding process, TrakPay will advise you on any next steps to ensure that your specific insurance carrier is set up to properly receive payroll reporting from TrakPay.
User Admin / Paylocity If moving forward with the service, User-Admin would log in to Paylocity, and use the Paylocity Marketplace to initiate the Integration Request with Paylocity UNLESS User Admin hasn't run 2 payrolls yet. In this case, TrakPay will send the integration request to your Paylocity sales rep after you register with us. Paylocity Service can also assist with digesting Supported Partner Requests.
Implementation Paylocity Receives the Marketplace or Service Inquiry, initiates an Implementation Project with Partner Integration. API ACCESS is generally provided within 2-5 business days.
TrakPay / User Admin / TPA Please visit https://its.trakpay.com/registration/paylocity/flow to complete the implementation/onboarding process.

Please see the 'Onboarding- Implementation' section below for further instructions and clarification.
Testing TrakPay / User Admin / TPA Once you have completed the process above, TrakPay will start to receive webhook data from the Paylocity API as outlined here, https://its.trakpay.com/registration/paylocity/tech_info.php, in order to test your API connection.

Before we can start processing your paygo WC service, we need to ensure that all your earnings/wage codes with Paylocity are properly mapped to the appropriate types of wage categories in TrakPay. If there are any codes that need mapping, we will email you and request you to complete the mapping of any custom codes.

Please see the 'Onboarding- Testing' section below for further instructions and clarification.
Move to Production TrakPay / User Admin / TPA Once your payroll has started importing to TrakPay, you are considered in 'Production', and your service is active. TrakPay will email you upon receiving your 1st payroll from Paylocity to confirm receipt, and will prompt you to login to TrakPay to double-check your reporting for accuracy.

Please see the 'Onboarding- Moving to Production' section below for further instructions and clarification.
Ongoing Support (Post Implementation) TrakPay / TPA For any inquiries regarding the paygo WC service, User Admin should contact TrakPay directly by emailing [email protected].
Common support issues considered 'Level 1' support needs are defined below in the 'Ongoing Support' secton.
Paylocity Paylocity will provide 2nd Level Support for TrakPay directly. It is Paylocity's expectation that the TrakPay will work with Paylocity directly for integration issues, as opposed to sending a client-user to our team.

If a client needs to be engaged by Paylocity, the Paylocity Analyst will help make that determination upon scoping the issue with TrakPay.


Getting Started- Sales:

Before setting up an integration for your paygo WC service with Paylocity & TrakPay, if you'd like to discuss pricing or have any general questions, please contact [email protected].

TrakPay supports the paygo WC service with all insurance carriers (unless your insurance carrier doesn't have the ability to receive payroll reporting for billing purposes as described in the next paragraph), so we are a one-stop-solution for Paylocity payroll clients wanting to take advantage of this service.

As a rule of thumb, you'll want to make sure that your WC policy's billing method is set to receive payroll and process payments for the paygo WC service (or monthly self-reporting). If your insurance carrier doesn't support this billing method, we will be unable to process this service for you.

As part of your onboarding process, TrakPay will advise you on any next steps to ensure that your specific insurance carrier is set up to properly receive payroll reporting from TrakPay.



TrakPay charges a small processing fee typically ranging anywhere from $6.50 to $25 per payroll processed (not per employee), and in some cases a nominal annual setup fee.

You can contact us at [email protected] to discuss pricing, or if you'd like to just jump in and get started without initial consultation, visit https://its.trakpay.com/registration/paylocity/flow to start your integration, and based on the insurance carrier you select during onboarding, any processing fees will be disclosed and you will be prompted to sign our EFT processing agreement.


Onboarding- Implementation:

If moving forward with the service, you will want to log in to Paylocity, and use the Paylocity Marketplace to initiate the Integration Request with Paylocity UNLESS you haven't run 2 payrolls yet. In this case, TrakPay will send the integration request to your Paylocity sales rep after you register with us.

Whether you're registering for TrakPay on the Paylocity Internal Vendor Marketplace or completing the PADE form registration request with TrakPay (if you haven't run 2 payrolls yet with Paylocity as described above), please enter all Paylocity Company/Client IDs for any FEINs on your WC policy.

If you have a company set and want to send all IDs under the set to TrakPay (most preferred method), please make sure to prefix CS to your Paylocity 'Company Set Company ID'.

For example, if your company set company ID is 12345, you'll enter CS12345.

If you've already run 2 payrolls with Paylocity, then please register for TrakPay on the Paylocity Internal Vendor Marketplace, then visit https://its.trakpay.com/registration/paylocity/flow to complete your onboarding/registration process.

If you've have not run 2 payrolls yet with Paylocity, then please visit https://its.trakpay.com/registration/paylocity/flow to complete your onboarding/registration process.

During your TrakPay registration, unless we already have the following information, you will create a username and password, and we will ask for your WC policy's insurance carrier name, policy number, policy effective & expiration date, and your WC state-class code combos. Additionally, we will collect your bank account information, and other ancillary information to help enrich your paygo WC service experience.

If you're unsure of where to locate this information on your WC policy, please have your insurance agent/broker help you, or contact TrakPay directly.

As part of your onboarding experience with TrakPay, we will confirm with you that your WC policy is set up with the proper billing method to receive payroll data from TrakPay, and if there is any additional action required.


Onboarding- Testing:

Once you have completed the process above, TrakPay will start to receive webhook data from the Paylocity API as outlined here, https://its.trakpay.com/registration/paylocity/tech_info.php, in order to test your API connection.

Before we can start processing your paygo WC service, we need to ensure that all your earnings/wage codes with Paylocity are properly mapped to the appropriate types of wage categories in TrakPay. If there are any codes that need mapping, we will email you and request you to complete the mapping of any custom codes.

Once all your earnings/wage codes are mapped in TrakPay, we will begin pulling your payroll data from the Paylocity API and importing it into TrakPay. We will retroactively fetch any backdated payrolls that were missing based on your policy effective date, and the check date of prior payrolls. We will report payroll for check dates that are on or after your policy effective date that we are missing to get you all caught up.

Once we import your 1st payroll from Paylocity into TrakPay, you will receive an email advising that we have received your 1st payroll, and you will be prompted to login to TrakPay to review your data for accuracy.

Additionally, if you have any 'soft errors', meaning employee payroll imported to TrakPay is missing a valid WC class code on your policy, we will email you a request to login to TrakPay and fix any pending errors via our Intuitive Error-Fixing User Interface.

Please note that once TrakPay starts receiving your payroll data, even if you have 'soft errors', any questions or support for this service should be directed to TrakPay, and not Paylocity.


Onboarding- Moving to Production::

Once your payroll has started importing to TrakPay, you are considered in 'Production', and your service is active. TrakPay will email you upon receiving your 1st payroll from Paylocity to confirm receipt, and will prompt you to login to TrakPay to double-check your reporting for accuracy.

For any onboarding support, please contact [email protected]


Ongoing Support:

For any inquiries regarding your paygo WC service, please contact TrakPay directly by emailing [email protected].

You may experience 'Level 1' support needs such as the following:

  • Your WC insurance carrier is not properly setup to receive the payroll feed from TrakPay
  • Your Paylocity payroll received by TrakPay contains errors including, but not limited to, a WC state-class code combo for an employee that is invalid (not on your policy), or your employee does not have a class code assigned to them in Paylocity, and the employee's state has more than 1 class code in TrakPay.
  • You have new WC state-class code combos that were identified as needing to be added to your policy via our Intuitive Error-Fixing 'Smart Endorsement' feature.
  • Your Company Level Workers Comp class codes in Paylocity do not include all of the state-class code combos on your policy in TrakPay.

You will be receiving email communication from TrakPay related to any of the above scenarios with details on how to easily rectify the issue.

Specifics surrounding these Level 1 support needs above are further defined in our Terms of Service.

For ongoing support, please contact [email protected]


Contact Details Summary:

For any sales inquiries, please contact [email protected]

For any onboarding support, please contact [email protected]

Once onboarding is completed, for ongoing support please contact [email protected]