305-537-6136‬       [email protected]

TrakPay & Paylocity Integration Technical Information


We here at TrakPay make use of the following Paylocity endpoints to pull the necessary information we need in order to effectively process your paygo WC reporting service. Please refer to the table below for full details on the data directionality of how we interface with Paylocity.


Paylocity API
Paylocity Field Name Partner Field Name
From UI
Direction of Exchange
From Payroll Database
Required for Service?
First Name First Name PULL YES
Last Name Last Name PULL YES
SUI State State/Home State/Work State-Class Code Combo PULL YES
Workers Compensation Class Code/Work State-Class Code Combo BI-DIRECTIONAL OPTIONAL
SSN (Last 4 digits only) Internal Use only not displayed in UI PULL YES
Employee Status Internal Use only not displayed in UI* PULL OPTIONAL
Company Name Named Insured/Company PULL YES
Tax Form Internal Use only not displayed in UI PULL OPTIONAL
Description Description PULL YES
Description Description PULL YES
COMPANY SCHEMA Workers Compensation Internal Use only not displayed in UI PULL NO
SUI State Internal Use only not displayed in UI PULL NO
Begin Date Begin Date PULL YES
End Date End Date PULL YES
Gross Pay Payroll PULL YES
PAYSTATEMENT DETAILS Det Code Internal Use only not displayed in UI PULL YES
Det Type Internal Use only not displayed in UI PULL YES
Amount OT/Overtime/Tips/Other Exempt Wages (depends on client wage code mapping) PULL YES
Total Hours Hours PULL YES

* Employee Status is only used to filter which employees we pull payroll for. Terminated employees will still show up in your Employee list in TrakPay. Don't worry though, as these only get reported to your insurance carrier if they actually have payroll for a pay period.

*** Paylocity provides you with pre-canned Earnings & Deductoin codes which are already mapped to the appropriate payroll filters with TrakPay.
Any custom earnings/deduction codes that you add to Paylocity will be pulled by TrakPay, and as a client, you will be prompted via email to login to TrakPay and map your custom codes to the appropriate wage type.

Mapping your custom wage codes in TrakPay is easy & intuitive. Some might argue it's even fun! We use these mappings to ensure your payroll is filtered into the appropriate bucket for determining if the payroll should be included or excluded from your WC premium calcuation.

Please click here to download a comprehensive guide on included and excluded payroll wages.
Please note that we will appropriately modify the payroll data being reported to the insurance carrier to account for any state exceptions as noted on the 3rd page.

Per our terms and conditions, all clients must ensure any custom earnings/deduction codes are mapped within TrakPay in order to have your paygo WC service to continue processing.


Below is a detailed list of all the Paylocity endpoints we utilize to integrate with Paylocity.

Company Codes

GET /v2/companies/{companyId}/codes/{codeResource} - We pull your company codes for deductions and earnings. We use these company codes to determine how much of the employees payroll should go into payroll, tips, overtime, or excluded wages.

If we cannot automatically determine which codes need to be excluded from your payroll to calculate your premiums, we will provide in our easy to use interface a way to designate the best matching category that best describes what your company code is used for. We then use this information to calculate your subject payroll and premium accordingly. This information is not shared with Paylocity and is soley used within TrakPay to ensure your payroll reporting is as accurate as possible for your carrier.


GET /v2/companies/{companyId}/employees - We use this to pull the list of employees that we need to pull employees information for, and what employees we need to try and pull payroll for.

GET /v2/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId} - We use this to pull the following information about employees:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Last 4 of SSN
  • State
  • Class Code
  • FEIN
  • Company Name
  • Gender
  • If they are a 1099
  • Status
  • Termination Date
This information is used to provide as accurate information as possible to your carrier.

PATCH /v2/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId} - Anytime you update your WC State-code combos in TrakPay we push the updated workers compensation codes (also known as class codes) to your Paylocity employee records. This ensures that future payrolls have the correct state class code combo that is on your policy. If the class code in our system is not yet on your Paylocity account, we will send an email explaining how to add that class code to your Paylocity account.

Pay Statements

GET /v2/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/paystatement/details/{year}/{checkDate} - We use this to pull the individual amounts for each earnings/deductions codes. This information is used in conjuctino with the company codes to determine how much your tips, overtime, excluded wages, and regular wages are for each check date.

GET /v2/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/paystatement/summary/{year}/{checkDate} - We use this to pull the base wages to use for your payroll as well as any overtime and tips. Additional tips/overtime/excluded wages are figured out from pulling the pay statement details depending on your company codes.

GET /v2/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/paystatement/summary/{year} - If you integrate with Paylocity later in your policy, we use this to determine what check dates we need to pull past payrolls for. That way you can get automatically get caught up with your carrier and avoid cancellation.

Company Schema

GET /v2/companies/{companyId}/openapi - We pull the workers comp class codes from this so we know what valid class codes you currently have available at the company level. This is used for our 360 integration with Paylocity to ensure the class code combos for your employees are accurate.

Further information about Paylocity's API endpoints can be found here.

If you have any questions in regards to what data we receive from Paylocity to process your paygo WC service, please contact [email protected] for further assistance.